Qi Gong

Qi Gong at Horsetail FallsLiterally translated Qi gong (chee-gong) means cultivation of breath or vital energy. Qi, or energy, exists all around us and is the most fundamental aspect to our existence. Although we cannot physically see this energy, we can feel this energy within our bodies. It is said to flow like a river or a musical rhythm adhering to the universal laws of the cosmos. Qi gong is a longevity practice and was developed by ancient masters searching for immortality and spiritual enlightenment.

What is Qi? (or Chi) It is the energy that allows us to live and breathe. It is around us at all times yet we are unable to see it. However, with a daily internal practice you may become sensitive to its subtle sensations, know how to manage its flow within your internal landscape, and utilize it for total health and wellness.

Much of the practice of Qi gong involves nourishing the human body and mind through working with the breath and the ever changing flow of the river between heaven and earth. In cultivating vital energy we are able to optimize our physical, mental, and spiritual beings. Too often, we find these aspects of ourselves fragmented and by practicing Qi gong we are able reconnect with the universal energy that is available for maximizing wellness.

Dr. Lipham has been practicing Qi gong since 1999, as a mandatory integration for her Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine. She began teaching in the summer of 2003 and has held weekly classes since. Because there are many varying forms of this meditative martial art, we highly recommend you have the in-class experience with Dr. J.

New beginnings begin with YOU……

Mount ErmeiAs the year wraps up and we look toward 2021, give yourself the gift of reflecting back upon the past 365 days. Within this reflection comes the pertinent question of how much time did you devote toward self and self-care? The answer is simple for most…….little to none. The reasons are many, and mostly evolve around all that “we feel we must do.” Although this feeling originates in the external world, many of us have accepted that type of “rat-race” thinking as normal. Newsflash……It is now COOL to take care of yourself. More, now than ever before in history, we are encouraged to advocate for ourselves and our health. It is frowned upon to choose not to take responsibility and action toward your personal well-being.

It is time for a change globally as well as micro-cosmically. That microcosm is YOU and the change must come from within. The answer to the question of how do I manifest this change from within is also simple. Because we exhaust ourselves on the outside, it is now more important than ever to begin to build up reserves that we will be able to tap into for future use. Yoga and meditation are ways in which you can sit with yourself and listen. Tuning out the extraneous sounds so that you can hear the dialogue within is usually the hardest commitment to make.

Let me introduce you to the most appropriate tool for accessing the sounds on the inside and anchoring your relationship with self. It is the practice of Qi Gong.
Qi gong is a means by which we connect ourselves and our spirit to the universal energy. Practicing requires focus not only on a physical layer, but also on a spiritual layer.

What is Qi? (or Chi), pronounced chee!!!
It is the energy that allows us to live and breathe. It is around us at all times yet we are unable to see it. However, with an internal daily practice one may become sensitive to its subtleties and know better how to access it and utilize it for health and wellbeing.

A classical quote from a text over 3000 years old reads, “Ren Bu Zhong Qi.” Loosely translated this means “The human being cannot see the Qi because they are at all times surrounded by it.” The practice of Qi gong, a meditative martial art, allows us to perceive this Qi and to reconnect with nature through spirit. In doing so we harmonize our own internal rhythms and become increasingly well balanced physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

The existence of the universal Qi is like a musical rhythm that, when we are open to listen, we can sense is playing within us at all times. Before there were words there was sound which expressed the exact vibration at which all the cells in our bodies move in a dynamic dance maintaining health and balance. We can validate this relationship when we hear a single note or a song resonate from deep within. Sometimes a song may touch you so deeply that it may even move you to tears (yet another free flowing mode of expression). This feeling of being open and naked to the universal sounds and rhythms allows you to solidify your relationship with SELF. This effect will ripple out into your surrounding circles and spread the same peace and calm that you feel deep within, to those you love.

Getting to be clearer about the sensations and sounds from within brings us back to the practice or “gong.” The word gong translates into work, labor, or cultivation. The practice of Qi gong is a cultivation of your vital energy so that you may be in harmony with your surroundings. The practice is not easy. It takes discipline to be consistent and requires a commitment on your part to devoting the time for yourself.

This new year make it a prosperous one by shifting your perspective and work from the inside out rather than starting on the outside and perhaps entirely missing the goodness of the god or goddess within. So by the end of 2021 your answers can be clear to the question of “How is your relationship with self and how calm is your internal landscape?”

large qi gongYou will know what the internal rhythms are as you will have taken the time to stop and look and listen within. As we feel a change on the outside we will start to shift and transform on the inside as a direct reflection of the external changes. With practice you can become aware of simple ways to redirect those energies to flow smoothly and benefit you on the deepest levels. Do this for your future relationship with self and for the future of those around you.